Embark on a transformative literary voyage with Danny Falcone, an insightful author hailing from The Bronx New York.
Danny is an active member in the 12 Step Recovery programs and at the time of this writing 32 years of continuous sobriety. After writing eight novels he had many requests and questions as to why he hasn't written a novel about recovery. So he wrote the powerful compelling story; "Grant Me Serinity" and it is dedicated to the recovery world.
Danny also wrote a self-help book for people in recovery already. The 20 Most Misunderstood, Misinterpreted, Mistakes Of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous." Drawing from over two decades of international workshops and Big Book studies, Falcone shines a light on the misconceptions that often shroud the path of recovery.
Experience a fresh perspective on the 12-Step Program as Falcone's book opens new doors of understanding. For those seeking profound insights into recovery and personal growth, this book is an indispensable companion.